Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thankful Thursday | Volunteers

Whelp I am tired!  It's National Volunteer Appreciation Week and I have been working all week to make sure my peeps know they are appreciated.  I even put the cutest video together with some of the other staff members (they really rock) from the hospital to the tune of Pharrell's Happy.  Yeah that copyright infringement thing didn't scare me.  LOL  I'm sure that Skateboard P will forgive me for this one.  Anywhoo, if you wanna check it out just click on the PLAY button and get Happy!  Don't forget to thank your favorite volunteer this week too.  At church, at school, at work or maybe right in your own home....Volunteering Makes the World go Round!

Staying happy,

The Curvy Momager


  1. Great video! Looks like everyone had a great time and I'm sure it made the volunteers Happy!

    1. They loved it Erika...they started dancing when I showed it.
