This weekend was Valentine's Day and two event organizers in town planned speed dating events on the same night. Of course the Momager had to be in the house for one so a friend and I (she didn't participate) boo'd up and had some fun. No there was no real match making, at least not for me but I do think a few folks mighta found a hook up. Besides The Phenom didn't seem none too happy that I was trying to "date" anyone. LOL
So here's how it worked. Each lady was assigned a table and each male started at one table and rotated until the end of the event. My first date was a bit too young. I mean I felt like a Jewish grandmother interviewing him for someone else. I found out he didn't like hospitals because he'd had meningitis a few years ago that landed him in a hospital for two weeks. Is that TMI on a first date? DING, the bell rang and it was time for date number two.
Again this one was too young, I didn't realize how young until I met is brother Matt (with two T's) in the next round. Albeit he was nice and tall but he was sporting a serious James Harden beard and didn't even have the jump shot to match he told me. Bye Felipe!
Date 3 was a cute kid that is a new dog owner and is a student (double major mind you) that was drug with his brother (date 2) by their sister to the event. He WAS the athletic one in the family and a good mathmatician because he guessed my age to the tee. Probably because his mother is most likely the same age, he was 26! NEXT.....
My 4th date wasn't from Bakersfield originally and we had a good (3 minute) conversation about the ills and the positives of living here. He was cool, tall (can you tell that's a requirement) seemed like a nice guy and was probably closer to my age than anyone so far but I Kayne shrugs because there were no fireworks. He did give me a nice hug at the end of the date though.
Intermission and I needed it because I noticed I was asking more questions than any of my potential suitors. Although they all seemed to like to talk ALOT!
Up next was an entrepreneur that grew hydrangeas. I told him I loved hydrangeas and he said that I was the first person all night that even knew what they were. I got a kick out of that because it totally fits my "Dorothy you aren't in Kansas anymore" lifestyle. Alas our 3 minute date was up and when he got up I realized he cut in front of me at the bar earlier so nope he wasn't the one either. I don't do rude.
Now date number 6 was funny. He was also my first Africa American date of the evening. A singer, gave me a cute nickname and held a good conversation but can you guess what criteria he didn't exactly meet? He was a bit height challenged. Cry me a river!
On to date 7. This date was good looking, TALL, held a great conversation and was an entrepreneur. He was a contender but I get the feeling that he is waaaayyyy to busy to even really date anyone but a great person to know because he has mover and shaker all over him. I likey when someone matches my fly!
Dates 8 and 9 were friends that didn't really want to be there but were cordial and shared a few laughs with me. They were roommates again drug there by someone else. I didn't really think curvy hot mom was their type either.
Next up was date 10, a cool guy that was into drawing and didn't want to leave my table when the date signaling bell rang. He was a dad, college grad, not tall but not short and probably close to my age as his children were older than mine. Again no fireworks but a good guy to know.
J was date 11. Poor guy just got through paying his last alimony payment and was out looking for a new Bae. He was nice but he mentioned the B word one too many times. Budget. Now you all know I am making some financial changes but I don't want to discuss budgets on the first date! So un-cute to me. See ya J!
The final date of the evening was a kindergarten teacher that lived about an hour away but was from Michigan originally. We had a great time chatting but when he sat down at my table I knew that it wasn't going to be a match. Sometimes you just know.
By the end of the night I had more dates then I had in the past two years! It was fun but don't think this type of dating is for me, I believe I'll leave this to the 20-30 year olds. Besides I was waiting for Hitch to show up and it never happened. A Momager can dream can't she? Prince or King Charming is out there somewhere though he better hurry up before this glass slipper turns into a house shoe. LOL
Until the next adventure,
Curvy Momager