The A's hired coach Justine Siegal last week making her the first female coach for an MLB team. How major is that? Get it major, major league...yeah okay. Well I thought it was cute. Anywhoo she's working with the developmental league as a guest instructor. Virtual High 5s!
Major Baller Money
John Wall just up'd his cred as a true NBA Baller Giver. Wall donated $400K to The Center in DC, homeless. He's actually known for being charitable but the size of this donation is major!
D. Rose OUT
Orbital fracture is the diagnosis. Cheers to the start of the season but what a rough way to start for Derrick Rose. Good news is his surgery was successful and he's expected to be back by the start of the regular season. My kid isn't happy at all -- he's truly a Rose fan.
On IG one day and stumbled across the Warriors new PF Jason Thompson's blog. Moms check it out there's definitely a great message this young man is sharing about his NBA story and how he keeps a positive attitude. Share it with you kid: Jason Thompson Blog
Until next week,