Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Curvy Momager's Court | What's on Our Fridge

In this edition of What's on Our Fridge there is a cute pic for research for a new Fall outfit and neato decor to find those missing keys!  Also the norm, recipes - Friendly's shake anyone? - and school schedules / events of course.  Show us what's on your Fridge, it's the family hub center!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

LMLIM | Fear of failure NO not really Day 6

We've made it to the final day of advice on getting rid of the F word...well double F word.  Here's the final tip.

Hope these tips helped you as much as they helped me.  In life you fail but learning to get past that failure in seek success is the biggest win, what girl doesn't love winning?!!!!?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

LMLIM | In the Kitchen

What can I say, we made the craziest looking recipe from the back of the Food Network TV Magazine.  If you are a subby you know that each month they put a recipe on the last page and ask the readers to name it.  Well Talia and I missed the cut off to send in our name but we still decided to make the dish.  Now when I tell ya it was ammmaahhhhzing I. AM. NOT. LYING.  I mean it was like Pharrell's, "Because I'm Happy" came on when I took the first bite into this, this, I don't even have a category for it.  It's kinda like carnival food.

Cole slaw, homemade fried chicken tender, waffle cone, mashed potatoes with jalapenos are just a few of the ingredients in the recipe.  Talia and I had to tag team to make it because of the many
different components.  If you are an every day cooking mama you shouldn't have a problem but it was also tons of fun to include her in the process.

The assembly was the best part, we couldn't figure out how to eat it at first.  So we just dove in and we were all smiles when we did.  It can get a little messy during eating but just grab a napkin and keep on going.  We also finally decided on our own name for this delish treat......the envelope please.

Chicken & Waffles On Da Go

Try it, the recipe is on my IG account and don't forget to let us know how you loved it because it's beyond like honey!  Extra sit ups for me tonight - still working on this vacation body.


Curvy Momager

Monday, April 20, 2015

LMLIM | Fear of Failure NO Not really Day 5

One trick ponies is what I call them.  Use this as a stepping stone to greater results.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Curvy Momagers' Court | How have I been missing this? LipSync Battle

Yes official #LatePass on this show.  How on earth have I missed it?  Epic lip sync battles between major celebs that really know how to put on the show!  I'm sure going to be tuned in this Thursday watching the hottest host on TV, L. L. Cool J (yes Lawd!) Check out one of the best battles I saw on YouTube and you too are gonna get hooked.

Check out Lip Sync Battle every Thursday on Spike TV at 10/9 C pm.  #GoodTV

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Momager Prayer call

Please join us this Friday evening for our first Momager Prayer call.  It's a journey raising an athlete and as much support we can give each other the better our chances of being successful on the journey.  We will be led in prayer by youth minister, Reverend Christal Bell who I affectionately call my twin.  Share with your Momager friends and let's come together to pray for one another and our athletes.

Monday, April 6, 2015

LMLIM | Epic Fail NO not really

Continuing with our series on failure (no not really) and what to do when you think you might be in the middle of a downward spiral.  Here is #4