That's right I'm daring you to make some changes, do something different, get out of your comfort zone! Each week come back and check for your DARE OF THE WEEK and report back after you have completed the dare.
All the Happnins'
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tequila Talk Tuesday | He Said She Said with Talk 2 Q
Todays TTT starts with this picture here......
Yes it's what you think you see. Two women, two babies, one daddy and one shower. I challenge Q to share his opinion on this one and then you can see what my thoughts are below. Read on...
He Said.....
What in the Wide World of Sports is going on when a man impregnates two women at the same time and attends a baby shower for both of them?I don't get it. Have women lost their minds? Yeah, I do blame the women in this incident. Not because they're pregnant at the same time by one dude. He could have lied his way into their v*****s simultaneously. But, the fact that they're okay with it enough to have a double baby shower with him smiling like the pimp they've made him out to be is absolutely ridiculous. Does he deserve part of the blame? Of course! However, who allows themselves to be made into a fool and then celebrate it with another fool? Now you're an IG meme and I'm bad-mouthing you to Robin's readers. Women, we men definitely need to have more pride in ourselves, but I thought that you all were supposed to be the smart ones? Why subject yourself to such ignorance and allow a guy to make you look bad like this?
Yes it's what you think you see. Two women, two babies, one daddy and one shower. I challenge Q to share his opinion on this one and then you can see what my thoughts are below. Read on...
He Said.....

She Said.....
When I first saw the picture I thought RATCHET, WTF, DUMMMIES. Then I had to really think is there ANYTHING positive
about this? Well the one possible positive is that they both know about
each other and aren't ripping each other weaves out (yet) trying to trump the other for this little clowns attention. This could end very soon however when baby mama #1 is waiting for Pampers and milk when the BD is at baby mama #2's house kicking it. Awe hell this is just going to end bad. Ladies think about your children, stop being selfish as H E double hockey sticks! In reality ish happens but why are you parading this in your gold lame ball gown and matching pimp chair? Yeah it's none of my business but when you all are duking it out over the food stamps and lack of child support check this "framily" picture will be a horrible reminder of the huge mistake you made trusting someone that was not even loving enough to protect you before he slept with someone else 2 hours later. But that's just my .02
Thanks Q for joining me for this week's TTT, always good to have you. Want to listen in on more of Q's option? He's got a great thing going over there on Blog Talk Radio. Check out his show schedule here: Talk 2 Q Radio.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
The Mogul | I am nominating her for a Nobel Peace Prize
Last night at about 11 PM I woke up on the coach and rubbed my feet together. They were soft, more like butter soft and I smiled. Earlier that evening after going to the grocery store with The Mogul we came home and she said she was going make dinner. I actually didn't refuse the offer because it had been a long day and she's a pretty good cook so I fired up the iPad and chilled on the coach. She fixed plates for her brother and I and we enjoyed a great meal, with cheddar biscuits and all. She then announced that she was putting dinner in the crock pot for the next night, washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. Yeah I was feeling like a slug resting on the couch. After all her hard work she
walks over to me and says, "Want a foot massage?" I'm one pretty spoiled mama over here. The foot massage was so wonderful that I feel asleep while she was working. See why she is so deserving of that Nobel Prize?
Daughters are amazing but this act of pure random kindness on the part of my daughter just solidified that she feels loved. So loved that she's willing to reciprocate that love to me by making me feel extra special. Sometimes as a mom it's sweet icing on the cake to know what you are doing when raising them you kids "get it" and these are the ways they let us know.
I recall a time when I was in a heated conversation with someone and they made this statement, "You are going to raise some f'd up kids.", when I was going through the proceedings of divorce. At that moment of course my response wasn't very nice but I've come to recognize that every time I felt I might have been coming up short in raising mine I used that very negative nugget to fuel me. Whether is was staying up late to make sure everyone had homework done, clean clothes or managing my time to make sure both kids got the best of me I was determined to do it. I have no H8 for that comment being made to me and I'm sure if that person could take those words back they would, at least now they sure could eat them. <insert crying laughing my ass off emoji here> In no means do I have perfect children nor am I the perfect mother but being the Real MVP I'll take that title gladly! Mamas (especially my single ones) just know that when you don't think you have that little extra inside you, you do. Find that inspiration that will propel you to show your kids what endurance and strength surrounded in love looks and feels like. You won't regret it.
In dedication to The Mogul we are also featuring a new t-shirt in our Curvy Momager line, The Talia She is one hard working basketball sister as well as being an amazing daughter. Here's a preview of the new shirt, a finished addition to come soon.
walks over to me and says, "Want a foot massage?" I'm one pretty spoiled mama over here. The foot massage was so wonderful that I feel asleep while she was working. See why she is so deserving of that Nobel Prize?
Daughters are amazing but this act of pure random kindness on the part of my daughter just solidified that she feels loved. So loved that she's willing to reciprocate that love to me by making me feel extra special. Sometimes as a mom it's sweet icing on the cake to know what you are doing when raising them you kids "get it" and these are the ways they let us know.
I recall a time when I was in a heated conversation with someone and they made this statement, "You are going to raise some f'd up kids.", when I was going through the proceedings of divorce. At that moment of course my response wasn't very nice but I've come to recognize that every time I felt I might have been coming up short in raising mine I used that very negative nugget to fuel me. Whether is was staying up late to make sure everyone had homework done, clean clothes or managing my time to make sure both kids got the best of me I was determined to do it. I have no H8 for that comment being made to me and I'm sure if that person could take those words back they would, at least now they sure could eat them. <insert crying laughing my ass off emoji here> In no means do I have perfect children nor am I the perfect mother but being the Real MVP I'll take that title gladly! Mamas (especially my single ones) just know that when you don't think you have that little extra inside you, you do. Find that inspiration that will propel you to show your kids what endurance and strength surrounded in love looks and feels like. You won't regret it.
In dedication to The Mogul we are also featuring a new t-shirt in our Curvy Momager line, The Talia She is one hard working basketball sister as well as being an amazing daughter. Here's a preview of the new shirt, a finished addition to come soon.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
I dare you Wednesday.....
That's right I'm daring you to make some changes, do something different, get out of your comfort zone! Each week come back and check for your DARE OF THE WEEK and report back after you have completed the dare.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Happy One Year BlogAversary
It's our 1st year BlogAversary and we celebrated with a ShaMoney dance off last night! Check it out here and vote on who the winner was in the comments:
We couldn't get Tal to join us - she was planning her fundraiser! It's been such a great year. Lots of growth, meeting amazing people, starting new ventures and just taking this journey with each other and ALL of you has been THE BEST! Thank you, keep following and sharing the blog with your friends. So much more is coming up really soon - life is about turning up the MUSIC! What are you going to groove too?
Love ya'll loads,
The Curvy Momager and her crew (The Phenom & The Mogul)
We couldn't get Tal to join us - she was planning her fundraiser! It's been such a great year. Lots of growth, meeting amazing people, starting new ventures and just taking this journey with each other and ALL of you has been THE BEST! Thank you, keep following and sharing the blog with your friends. So much more is coming up really soon - life is about turning up the MUSIC! What are you going to groove too?
Love ya'll loads,
The Curvy Momager and her crew (The Phenom & The Mogul)
the mogul,
the phenom
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
LMLIM | Oprah is my MUA
You guys remember me doing the LMLIM Series a few months ago? Basically because I'm such a magazine junkie I'm taking all the tips I rip from the pages, testing them out and sharing them with you. Today's tip comes from the October 2014 issue of O Magazine. There are four different makeup looks Ms. O is sporting for Maybelline. Out of the looks I decided to try the one for Dramatic Eyes! My eyes have always been my most talked about feature, well the other one you can't put make up on. Sniggle. Anywhos the Get The Look tearout card was really easy to follow but O's look is a bit more dramatic than mine. She had a deeper purple to work with I think.
-Bold Lips
-Extravagant Lashes
-Kohl Liner
Give it a try Momager!
Here is the tear-out card but make sure you get your OWN copy of the magazine so you can see the other looks:
-Bold Lips
-Extravagant Lashes
-Kohl Liner
Give it a try Momager!
magazine series,
o magazine,
Monday, October 13, 2014
Monday Morning Blues

These were the top 5........
1. Up
2. Steel Magnolias
3. Imitation of Life
4. Marley & Me
5. The Notebook
Oh I couldn't leave The Color Purple off this list. It had the most votes.
Most surprising - Set It Off
Funniest - Coming to America
I was told this one was a man thang - Rambo
I guess it takes all kinds. Comment below and let me know which movie really gets to you!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Curvy Momager's Court | On set
Many of you that are friends with me on FB know that I checked off a major accomplishment last week. Being listed on the IDMb database was something I thought would be a while before it came
true. Luckily I have some pretty key friends in the entertainment KNOW and they found out about a casting and quickly called me. I call my GF my unofficial agent...thanks Arleana!
Anywho I can't reveal the show concept but it was a court TV show shown nationwide. Surely I'll reveal more when I hear about the release date for the show but look for it in about 4 - 5 months. Major love and shouts out to the folks that casted me, co-starred and that make up artists - she was to die for. I pray I can work with her again. Definitely want to add this to my list of continuing hustles...can definitely get use to Kraft services and special treatment. One thing is for sure these curves come in handy when necessary, gotta love that!
As soon as I can share more with my peeps I will and hit me up and tell me how my acting was.
End scene!
Curvy Momager
true. Luckily I have some pretty key friends in the entertainment KNOW and they found out about a casting and quickly called me. I call my GF my unofficial agent...thanks Arleana!
Anywho I can't reveal the show concept but it was a court TV show shown nationwide. Surely I'll reveal more when I hear about the release date for the show but look for it in about 4 - 5 months. Major love and shouts out to the folks that casted me, co-starred and that make up artists - she was to die for. I pray I can work with her again. Definitely want to add this to my list of continuing hustles...can definitely get use to Kraft services and special treatment. One thing is for sure these curves come in handy when necessary, gotta love that!
As soon as I can share more with my peeps I will and hit me up and tell me how my acting was.
End scene!
Curvy Momager
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Momager Dopeness | HOPE
Sometimes you don't know what you share that will give someone a message they need. Last week I purchased a card deck titled "Hope". These cards have different quotes and inspirational sayings about you guessed it, hope. I decided to put one on my Instagram account today and I received a response from one of my followers that blew me a way. Here is the quote...
Her comment to me was, "Thanks for posting this cause I'm struggling today with hope and faith." WOW WOW WOW that little bitty post gave someone a glimpse of hope. I really thank my follower for being transparent and sharing that comment. Her strength surely encouraged someone that couldn't be that honest and "out" themselves publicly. Pay it forward everyone! Follow me on IG @curvymomager.
Her comment to me was, "Thanks for posting this cause I'm struggling today with hope and faith." WOW WOW WOW that little bitty post gave someone a glimpse of hope. I really thank my follower for being transparent and sharing that comment. Her strength surely encouraged someone that couldn't be that honest and "out" themselves publicly. Pay it forward everyone! Follow me on IG @curvymomager.
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