Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whatcu Doin' Wednesdays | Curvy Momager Approved

Here's what I'm up to......

So excited to be working with some fabulous brands to get their products out to the masses.  Please look for some really cool products to be featured on the blog and be sure to try them and give me your feedback.  This is total AWESOMESAUCE!

When you see this image you'll know that I'm giving my stamp of approval.  If you have brands that you'd like me to test for you or if you have a new product/service that you'd like for me to review please send me an email to

Back to chasing the dream,

Curvy Momager

Monday, November 18, 2013

Moment In Life Monday | Sister Save A Lot

I had almost forgotten that my good girlfriend Antoinette Peterson was in this months’ Essence Magazine, yes with Gabi on the cover.  I was flipping through the pages and BAM her bright smiley face met me on page 108 in the Work & Wealth section.  Antoinette and I go waaaay back to when Erika and I started doing guest appearances on Cocktails and Conversation radio.  She was one of our first and most memorable guests.  At the time she had already stared on a coupon reality TV show, Extreme Couponing  and was developing her Sister Save A Lot brand.  At 32, she’s had a heck of a year!  I think this is her 3rd magazine appearance of 2014 and at least  2 national TV spots featured her.  Hello Dr. Oz!!!  The most wonderful thing about her brand is that she not only is using it to teach families about saving at the grocery store but about living a more economical lifestyle or what I like to call Ballin’ on a Budget!  Although she and I are pretty tight I promise you I’ve got lots
Photo from Essence Magazine December 2013
to learn from her and thankfully she is a wealth of information.   Her advice on Holiday shopping really has me re-thinking my strategy of buying that $400 PlayStation 4 for The Phenom this year.  Besides only having about $200 on it I know there has to be some sort of deal out there.  Oh Antoinette……help a sista out!

Congratulations girl and thanks for sharing your Moment in Life with everyone!

Back to writing out my Christmas list,



Curvy Momager


Friday, November 15, 2013

Fo Shizzle Fridays | Great Recipe

I love funnel cake...I even love funnel cake when one of my favorite magazines says it's a good  approved ahem diet snack.  371 calories isn't bad right?  Give it a try.

1 1/4 cups whole milk                                                      2 cups all purpose flour, shifted
2 eggs                                                                               4 tsp baking powder
1 cup confectioner's sugar, plus more for dusting           Vegetable oil
2 tsp salt                                                                           2 cups blueberries ( I sub'd with other berries)
2 tsp vanilla extract                                                          1 cup raspberries

What to Do:

Recipe adapted from SELF Magazine 9/13
In a bowl, whisk milk, eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla until smooth about 2 minutes.  In another bowl, combine flour and baking powder.  Slowly whisk 1/4 of milk mixture into flour mixture until smooth; stir in remaining milk mixture.  Cover batter and plastic wrap; let sit for 20 minutes.  In a medium pot, heat 2 inches of oil over medium-high heat until it sizzles when a drop of water is added.  Divide batter between 2 plastic freezer bags; snip a corner of one bag; slowly swirl 1/8 of the batter into the
oil.  Fry until golden, flipping once (I used tongs), 30 seconds per side.  Remove funnel cake and place on a paper towel-lined plate.  Repeat with remaining batter.  Top cakes with berries; dust with sugar.  Serves 8

371 calories for 2 funnel cakes, 17 g fat, 50 g carbs, 6 g protein

Okay so a lil heavy on the carbs but trust me it's worth it and much less than those elephant ears you get at the amusement park.  Enjoy!


Curvy Momager

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursdays | Thankful Collage

We all really have so much to be thankful for.  Yeah it sounds a lil cheesy and maybe a lil Pollyannish but you just have to accept the beauty of situations and realize how blessed you are to have even gone through them.  I'm challenging each of you to take the time and create a Thankful Collage like the one I did below.  My list is much bigger than the few items listed but these were the ones that touched my heart while I was creating.  So go out there and be creative and create your own collage.  You won't even image the feeling you'll have after truly writing your gratitude down and seeing them in front of you.  It felt good to visually see that I had so much to be thankful for.  Check back often, you never know if you will be one of the things I'll be thankful for.

Created this with
My Job - I really love what I do.  Working with volunteers is such a rewarding experience and the company I work for has a mission that honors HumanKindness.
Bit & Boogie - No explanation really needed here....they are ultimate rockstars. 
My Workout - It really has renewed sense within the past 6 months.  I see changes in my body and I'm loving it.  I see changes in my attitude and I'm loving it.  I see changes in ME and I'm loving it.
Friends - I have met three new friends that I've never even met face to face.  Either we were introduced via social media or by mutual friends.  They have no idea how thankful I am for them.  It amazes me how people can change your situation and you've never even shared the same space with them.  AWESOME!
Life Changing Moments - There have been a few as of late but each of them has given me gratitude for making it through the struggle of that moment and learning a lesson.  Life is full of lessons you might as well be grateful for them!
New Opportunities - Who wouldn't be excited about this one?  Just the other day I as contacted from a national women's magazine about a submission I sent in a month ago...let's pray I get picked!  And this blog is another new opportunity not only allowing me to meet so many new people but get involved in new adventures.  
Alright it's your turn....go out there and be grateful!  You'll be surprised at all the things that have been nagging at your turn into nothing when you see how much you have to be thankful for.
Curvy Momager

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Whatchu Doin Wednesday | Events

I have so many great things to tell you about!  First I attended a fabulous event a few weeks ago for DGD designs.  DGD is operated and owned by Deneen Griffin the brightest floral creative designer I've ever meet.  If you are looking for a poppin Holiday table and live in the LA area...well she might travel... Deneen is the woman to call.  Just look at some of the beautiful arrangements from the Open House I attended.  Give Deanne a call ASAP though because I know her calendar is filling up fast.  Heck she was taking orders at the event!  Visit her website at

Stylist, fashionista and all around beautiful plus size chic Reah Norman is hosting an event at Macy's in Brea.

It's a shopping party on Saturday November 16, 2 - 4 PM.  Casual fashion show, tasty refreshments and
DJ while you shop.  Get some fashion tips from PLUS Model Mags Fashion Editor and let her show you some Holiday must haves.  And I love a good give a way...first 50 customers receive a gift with try on!

Ahhh and since it's getting close to the Holidays Starbucks is being oh so generous and offering holiday beverages, buy one get one free!  SCORE!  11/13 - 11/17, 2-5 PM.

Until next week,

The Curvy Momager

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tequila Talk Tuesday | Flaws and All

We all have a little something that we wish was different but still we wouldn't change.  Check out the QOTD for Tequila Talk Tuesday and share your tiny weeny imperfection with me.

Quote of the week from Shakira:  "I don't obsess over my flaws, because I see my body as a whole.  Besides I think men appreciate confidence more than perfection."

Monday, November 11, 2013

Moment In Life Mondays | Happy Veteran's Day

For all the brave men and women that have tirelessly stood in honor of our country I salute and thank you!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Fo Shizzle Fridays | Work It Out

Hey there you!  Fo Shizzle Fridays are all about what's hot or at least what's on my hot meter for the day.  As you know I am always on a workout, eat right, get tight kick.  Funny I have only lost about 7 pounds this year but I'm no quitter!  Since I am a professed magazine junkie I have decided to break out of my mold a little and buy some mags I normally don't purchase.  Well I really scored when I picked up SELF MAGAZINE a few months ago and I'm hooked.  I posted some workouts on Instagram and got a message from former NFL player turned trainer Curtis Williams.  Ohhhh chile...don't be jealous God just shows me favor! :)  Any hoo Curtis has issued me a challenge to try his tear out work out this month.  I'm here to tell you it's a motha!  But I'm no punk as a matter of fact I've adopted a new nickname, Storm!  That's one badass chick and I need a little badass to get through this butt lovin' workout.  The pics are below but for the full tear out purchase the November issue of Self and you can also pull up the video on exactly how to do the workout. 

Wanna join the challenge?  You know you do, just say it!  Leave me a comment below and I'll keep
you informed on my progress and you can do the same.  Let's make these err, 40 year old bootys rock as in rock solid!  No jiggle with my wiggle (raising my left shoulder in true Marilyn Monroe fashion).  Let's get it in!


Curvy Momager

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful Thursdays | Dance It Away

Sometimes you just have to be happy and thankful in the moment.  Let's take Deb for example.  Scheduled to receive a double mastectomy and on the day of her surgery she planned a dance party.  Yep right there in the OR with her nurses, doctors, surgery techs she broke and started getting down to Beyoncé's Give Me Body.  And the girl had some moves too!  So much that Queen or is it King Bey posted the vid on her website and left Deb a personal message. 

So click on the video below, be thankful for the moment that you are in now and DANCE.  Don't wait to late to celebrate!

Oh one more thing that Deb did was to tell her friends and family to keep playing Bey's song during the day of her surgery and dance in the waiting room.  If you had been faced with Deb's situation what song would you pick to dance to?  Share it in the comments below!

Back to chasing the dream,

Curvy Momager

Monday, November 4, 2013

Moment in Life Monday | Black Girls Rock

Living your moment in life is what Black Girls Rock is all about.  I didn't get the chance to watch all of the show but did see this video clip from Queen Latifah.  She is certainly a BGR and inspires so many people to be their best selves.  A friend of mine actually sent this clip to me and I'm so grateful that she did.  Even the Curvy Momager needs some encouragement every now and again.  Thanks Meleisha.  Click the link below and enjoy the clip.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fo Shizzle Fridays | Curvy Military Fashion

For today's curvy fashion moment I'm bringing you the military.  Yep, it's all the rage this season.  Here are a few of my top picks for military style jackets.

1.  Jessica London $129

2.  Affatshionista

3.  Ali Express $18

Happy shopping and send me some of your dopest military fashion finds to

With Style,

Curvy Momager