How many of you are singing that tune along with your kids? But wait, now the real dilemma. What to do with them over the next three months.
Whether you are a single, married, working or stay at home mom this always pops up after you are doing cartwheels the final week of school. As the kids get older they start to find more and more to do but then you have to manage it all. This year I told the kids I really want them to work on passion projects. What do I mean by that? Well if there is something they have been dreaming about doing I want them to do it this summer. For The Phenom it was basketball, basketball and more basketball. Sooooo yeah, he's going to basketball camp at one of his top four colleges he wants to attend. But I also am forcing him, well making it obvious that he needs to take this opportunity to get prepped for the SAT. Great SAT scores = Great Recruits is my motto so every week he has a word he has to master in addition to take about 5 test questions a week. So on top of Bball Summer League, Bball Club League and traveling to MSU for camp he has limited time for video games and girls. LOL. Oh he also has summer school for the next few weeks.

Then there is The Mogul. She's been a little out of commission with activities, I guess keeping that GPA at 3.8 was a pretty busy task. She is glad for summer vacation and also planning to get busy with some passions. One of those is sewing class. Yep she is in full fashion stylista mode and picking out patterns and fabrics. Her next project is working on curriculum with her teacher for a really special project, yep this girl is really passionate about education! I'm happy about that too.
So Momagers I wish you well over the summer months, every day is going to bring some challenges
but get active. Have the kids list out three passions and pinpoint them to one if not two. Make this a summer of passion for you and them.